• Question: Do you think that people with diabetes (type 2) should get free healthcare, considering that they have inflicted it on themselves

    Asked by uxutvi14 to Xavier, Susanna, Sarah, Ruby, Liz, Emilie, Ashley on 6 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Liz Wells

      Liz Wells answered on 6 Mar 2014:


      Sometimes type 2 diabetes occurs due to old age, as the pancreas ” wears out” or it can also occur if people have been given steroid tablets for other health problems.
      So it isnt always the patients fault. The National Health Service offers free health care for all. Thats the great thing about it

    • Photo: Sarah Jose

      Sarah Jose answered on 6 Mar 2014:

      There are so many conditions that are partly caused by lifestyle choices. Cancer, heart problems, diabetes, even broken bones!

      Diabetes is an incredibly complicated condition and has a lot of problems associated with it. I think it would be inhumane to withhold treatment from these individuals and I don’t think that we should charge for use of the NHS.

    • Photo: Ashley - Character

      Ashley - Character answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Yeah, I agree with Sarah and Liz. My mum’s got her problems, and my dad died of a heart attack. If someone tried to tell me it was all their fault cause of their life choices or whatever and we should pay for their treatment it’d make me really angry. Life is too complicated to just blame people like that.
