• Question: what your opinions about fast food and how much you eat?

    Asked by aelmi959 to Xavier, Susanna, Sarah, Ruby, Liz, Emilie, Ashley on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Sarah Jose

      Sarah Jose answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      We all know that fast food is not usually very healthy. Burgers and chips contain a lot of salt and fat, both of which can lead to health problems when eaten in large amounts. Another problem is calories. Teenagers need more calories than adults because they’re still growing and typically more active, but it’s still important not to overdo it. A typical medium BigMac meal with a coke, for example, is 1000 calories. That’s a big chunk of your recommended allowance with hardly any vitamins or minerals to show for it.

      I think fast food should not be eaten very often at all, but of course once in a while is not going to hurt you much in the long run.

    • Photo: Ashley - Character

      Ashley - Character answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      I think you need to be aware how much you’re eating fast food. But I also know that not everyone gets a choice about what they eat. Obviously there’s food banks, but it’s not just that – families that don’t have a lot of money don’t have as much choice about what to eat. So just try not to eat too much of it, and definitely don’t eat junk food if you’re not hungry.

    • Photo: Emilie Combet

      Emilie Combet answered on 14 Mar 2014:

      My opinion is quite mainstream – fast food is high in calorie, mainly from fat or “simple” added sugars, and low in vitamins and minerals. It is not a good choice to make in general, and certainly a bad idea day in, day out.

      However, I agree with Ashley – it’s a question of choice, and choice is limited by plenty of factors, like the amount of money you have, the shops and the food they sell around your house, whether your house is equipped with a functioning kitchen, whether you know how to cook. Any of these factor can influence your “choice”.

      I sometime east fast food or “junk food” – often because I am hungry, out and about, and the picture in the advertisement looks way better and tastier than whatever I will be served in reality. This is because fast food is marketed to us in a way than healthier food choices aren’t.

      How much I eat? It depends on how hungry I feel – so usually to satiety, or just before reaching that point. Eating at the table with friends and family help making the meal a social occasion – and to eat less fast. This allows for the food to be processed and the body to send the right signal telling us to continue or stop eating. To me, a good meal is one which is very long, not necessarily with big quantities of food, but many different tastes.
